Friday, April 15, 2011

How to Keep Carpets Clean and Looking New

Your carpet can last for years as soon as you utilize these guidelines to help keep it clean and keep its form. These are the tips on how to keep carpets clean and looking new:

  • Depending on the quantity of traffic a carpet stands, vacuum several times each week. Trying to keep a carpet thoroughly clean is very important to extending its look and durability so be sure to wash your carpets a few times per year.
  • Alter your large traffic locations to further improve your carpets strength. This can be achieved by rotating your area rugs or rearranging your furniture to change the high traffic areas.
  • Direct sunlight can fade the colors and patterns on a carpet, so keep your shades closed during maximum sunlight hours.
You will also find a lot of companies that specialize in carpet cleaning, Perth based or even those located in other parts of the state. These commercial carpet cleaning companies have people who are trained to do wonders on your dull looking and highly abused carpets. Just make sure to choose the reputable ones.

For more information, check out our Floorwise - Western Australia.


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