Thursday, July 14, 2011

Black Carpet

Black Carpet

We have already mentioned in our early posts that lighter colored carpets tend to make a space look a lot bigger. Actually, a lot of commercial spaces have adopted the use of light colored carpets. Aside from the fact that light colored carpets brightens up a room, it complements well with the commercial space's furnishings.

However, there are cases when dark colored carpets offer more advantages and benefits offer light colored carpets. When you have a space having a quite large area, you need to put a dark colored carpet to make it look smaller. If you are more adventurous, you can go as dark as installing a black carpet.

Black carpets are ideal when you have a media room or cinema, or any space that requires a nice multimedia viewing. When you have a space like this, a black carpet is great to enhance the viewing experience. A cinema is one example of this.

Another advantage of using black carpets in commercial spaces is its ability to conceal stains and dirt. Since it black, your customers and guests won't notice the dirt which is common in high traffic areas.


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