Vinyl composition tile, or VCT is a kind of flooring or wall material which is often found typically in buildings, medical centers, universities as well as other huge establishments. This can be different from the typical vinyl tile since the make up of vinyl composition tile has increased amounts of vinyl fillers.
As a result VCT could be slightly less resilient and resistant against dings and dents and impact damage when compared with solid vinyl, however the price of composite vinyl is certainly less expensive. With all the durability and value of VCT, it's no surprise that interior designers and contractors suggest this kind of flooring for high traffic places.
To ensure that you fully grasp and acknowledge the beauty and functionality of VCT, you might as well become familiar with its structure. Generally, a vinyl composition tile consists of mostly inorganic fillers and polyvinyl esters. The reason VCT is less flexible or elastic compared to typical vinyl tile is because of organic fillers, which could as well increase dimensional stability.
Additionally, fillers are useful in making VCT more resistant to fire and smoke when compared with some other vinyl products. The kinds of organic fillers which you may get in VCT consist of talc, clay as well as limestone (calcium carbonate). Another thing which you may like is the fact that polyvinyl esters utilized to produce VCTs are also produced much the same way as PVC pipes. Furthermore, polyvinyl esters consist of ethylene coming from crude oil and chlorine from NaCL, also known as common salt.
Besides its stability and strength, vinyl composition tile is a flooring material of choice because it is truly affordable. As compared to other kinds of flooring products, VCT is actually a good deal.
Finally, VCT comes in different colors, designs and styles. If you would like textured tiles, you can also get those. Actually, when your subflooring has bumps and depressions, utilizing a textured VCT tile may help cover up the defects on the exterior of the subflooring.
You can find VCTs which are similar to wood, granite, marble along with other traditional kinds of materials. Which means that you absolutely don't need to purchase classic and a lot more pricey flooring choices in order to obtain the look and concept that you intend for your space.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Vinyl Composition Tile

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