Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Interfaceflor | Picton carpet manufacturer wins NSW sustainability award

Press Release

Picton-based carpet manufacturer InterfaceFLOR has received the Excellence in Sustainability Award at the NSW Business Chamber’s Annual Awards Dinner.

InterfaceFLOR designs and manufactures environmentally-friendly modular carpet for the commercial sector.  The company has been operating in Australia for 40 years.

The company has a Mission Zero commitment to eliminate any negative impact their production and business processes may have on the environment by 2020.

According to the NSW Business Chamber, InterfaceFLOR received the sustainability award because the company was successful in integrating sustainable practices into every part of its business.

The company’s sustainable business achievements include:

All product packaging used is made from 100% recycled material;.
This month the company released Australia’s first modular carpet collection featuring 100% recycled yarn and its new modular underlay made from 88% recycled material;
The company also operates a modular carpet recycling and reuse program, known as ReEntry;
To date, the company is said to have diverted more than 320,000m sq of modular carpet from Australian
Such achievements has seen the company’s energy, greenhouse emissions, water and virgin material use per unit of output from its Australian plant be reduced significantly since measurement NSW Business Chamber’s began in 1998.

According to the Chamber, InterfaceFLOR’s greenhouse gas emissions from process energy are down 41%, while non-renewable energy has been reduced by 72%.  Additionally, the company’s recycled and bio-based material use has increased by 37%.

In 2010, the company achieved reduction levels exceeding those of recent years. The result can be found on the company’s website.

“InterfaceFLOR is a great example of a business that has successful welded together the challenges of environmental sustainability and a profitable business model; a difficult task for an Australian manufacturer in these tough economic times,” said NSW Business Chamber CEO Stephen Cartwright.

InterfaceFLOR general manager Clinton Squires said the company was honoured to be recognised by the Chamber for its commitment to environmental sustainability.

“Our success is guided by an all encompassing commitment to Mission Zero, our promise to eliminate any negative environmental impact by our company 2020," Squires said.

"It’s a bold goal, but it’s how we stay on the journey, and it drives us to reach out and engage with the broader business community, suppliers, and customers, to bring all of their ideas into the business and enable us to take that next step forward."

Published on MyFen.com.au


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