Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Why You Should Replace Your Carpets Now

A commercial space should express the individual style and tastes of the owner, and absolutely nothing turns the effect of a room as fast as replacing the old carpet. Especially in businesses, you surely don't want your clients to see your worn out carpets. They will be easily turned off. You know, whether we accept it or not, the appearance of the commercial space affects how the clients think of your business. People, like us, are very visual. We judge according to what we see. And if you are into business, you have to play your cards right. No matter what the reason, replacing the carpet can instantly alter the appearance of a space and eventually, can improve the overall impact of your business to your clients.

1. Aesthetics - A new look is desired, and nothing can enhance the look faster than replacing the carpet. Be it a change of color or a change of style, replacing the carpet can be the concentration of a decorating project.

2. Wear and Tear - Among the most common reasons behind replacing carpet is its age. Clients and employees walking in and out of your office can also wear out a carpet in under five years. Unsightly loss of pile and stretching can happen.

3. Off Gassing by Old Padding - This is especially true for white carpets. If a white carpet has turned yellow, the cause may be off gassing of old rubber padding underneath the carpet. Once this happens, it's time to replace the old padding with something that won't cause discoloration of the carpet.

4. Stains - Despite regular cleaning, stains can change the look, add allergens, and reduce the life span of the carpet. Replace both the carpet and padding for a fresh new start.

5. Allergens and Asthma - Carpets, even with frequent cleanings, can be the repository of countless allergens and can even worsen asthma symptoms. Starting with clean fresh carpet and padding can get rid of microscopic allergens.

6. Water Damage - Whether from leaks, floods or large spills, water damage damages carpet and padding. Mildew and mold can grow underneath the carpet and it is time to replace all damaged carpet and padding.

7. Mold and Mildew - Even without flooding or leaks, mold and mildew can develop beneath a carpet in humid climates or in basements. While changing the carpet, you'll want to take measures to lessen the humidity levels so the problem won't reoccur.

8. Leasing or Selling - Research indicates that people often look down when first entering a room. Old carpet gives a bad first impression. A carpet change can make a huge difference in the saleability of a space. Competition is tough these days and sellers should get new carpet to improve the probability of that sale.

9. Going Green - Concerns for the environment can induce a change to new materials that are eco-friendly and more healthy. Not only will you help the environment, you will also give the impression that your company upholds and supports good advocacies towards environment awareness. That's a huge plus, isn't it?


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